Chapter 10 YouTube

10.1 Video Demonstrations

Using a webcam, record a demonstration relevant to your topic and post it to YouTube.

10.2 Student Videos

Student projects, presentations, or speeches can take the form of video instead of PowerPoint, and uploaded for the class to see.

10.3 Closed Eyes Method

To prevent students at home from “reading” presentations (such as poem recitations) that were supposed to be memorized for YouTube upload, require them to give the performance with their eyes closed.

10.4 Interactive Video Quizzes

Using annotations (text boxes) and making them hyperlinks to other uploaded videos, instructors can construct an on-screen “multiple choice” test leading to differentiated video reactions, depending on how the student answers. Requires filming multiple videos and some editing work.

10.5 Movie Clips

Show brief segments of popular movies to illustrate a point, start a conversation, have students hunt for what the movie gets wrong, etc.

10.6 Embed Into PowerPoint

YouTube videos can be embedded into PPT as long as there is an active Internet connection; save the PPT after recording audio as filetype “Windows Media Video” and upload to YouTube.

10.7 Shared Account

Instructor creates a generic YouTube username/account and gives the password to everyone in the class, so student uploads all go to the same place.